Early Childhood Development

All children have quality early learning experiences

Currently only 48% (1,347) of children in Eastern Maine are reading proficiently at the end of third grade

Our goal is to increase the percent of children reading proficiently at the end of third grade to 58% by 2028.


  1. Increase access to 0 to 5 childcare and programs.
  2. Learning about best practices in parenting are built into all systems.
  3. K-3 children have access to before and after school activities.
  4. Providers and Professionals are able to implement best practices.

Learn more about why this issue is so important in Eastern Maine

Opportunity 2028 Early Childhood White Paper Final

How to help in your community:

Our Impact on Eastern Maine communities:

Over the next year
• 160 Increase access to preschool and quality early childcare programs
• 1,105 Parents and caregivers are informed and engaged in their child’s development
• 475 K-3 children have access to before and after school activities
• 119 Providers and professionals deliver quality educational experiences

In Piscataquis County where 31.4% of children are living in poverty we are working with a grassroots collaboration Helping Hands with Heart to improve Early childhood development outcomes for all children in the community. With UWEM’s leadership and support over the last year the group has created a community profile that has effectively solidified the group’s buy-in and commitment to advancing long term, sustainable change. UWEM has secured implementation funding that will allow this group to implement concrete strategies to improve the outcomes identified in the planning phase. Want to get involved with this initiative?  Contact us.